June 10, 2012: Please post the following statement on your website or blog to show your support for a 5WCW:
“We support holding the 5th UN World Conference on Women and call upon our own UN ambassador and those of member states in the General Assembly to pass the 5WCW resolution needed to hold it in 2015. We want 5WCW to address new and emerging issues affecting women and girls since the Beijing Conference in 1995, to build upon and not re-open previous UN documents.”
Also place a banner on your website or blog. Download them here.
The April 11, 2012 THANK YOU CAMPAIGN was successful
• Sign the Petition in support of a 5th World Conference on Women.
• Join us on Facebook
• Inform yourself. See the UN Links and the Resource Links on this site as a starting point.
• List your organization in support of a 5WCW on our new Facebook page: (Note: our old organizational listing page on the 5WWC site will no longer list additional organizations. If your organization is listed there, we encourage you to list it again on the new Facebook page.)
• Place a banner on your website or blog. Download them here.
• Contact your elective officials to let them know that you want your country to be in favor of a UN sponsored 5th Women's World Conference.
• Start a circle and begin to envision a 5th Women's World Conference.
• Spread the word within your circle of influence (your workplace, organizations to which you belong, your extended family, etc. (Could be that there are only one to two degrees of separation).
• Link to this website (and to the 5WWC.org website).
• Blog about it, write letters to the editor of your local paper, for women's magazines and other media outlets.
• Make up flyers and/or buttons to distribute at women's events. Use your creative imagination to spread the word!
Do Your Part for Best Outcome
This is a time to be an advocate for a 5th United Nations World Conference on Women, which would be the most influential and far-reaching women’s conference ever held. If the decision to hold it were made this year, it could take place in three years, and be the first with widespread use of the Internet and other 21st century technologies. The three years leading up to it would be a time for consciousness-raising, networking, and creating circles for action, reflection, and support.
We need only one member-state ambassador to sponsor the resolution for 5WCW in the 66th Session of the UN General Assembly (September 2011-June 2012) which begins in September. The best situation in this short time, would be for this resolution to be co-sponsored by other developing countries: in Asia, Africa, and Latin America and a Scandinavian/European country. Toward this end, we have a Concept Paper that is in the language and form that ambassadors and delegations are familiar with and a sample draft document with enumerated paragraphs. Once the concept is accepted, a 5WCW resolution would simply need to say something such as:
With the creation of UN Women, once a General Assembly draft resolution is passed, it will go to UN Women for implementation and following protocol, Michelle Bachelet as Executive Director would become the Secretary-General of the UN 5WCW.
Listen to Jean Shinoda Bolen's