Letter of Support Submitted to ECOSOC
by Women's Intercultural Network


            (NGO Special Consultative Status to the UN since 1998)


The Women’s Intercultural Network (WIN), an NGO with Special Consultative Status to the UN since 1998, our million women network in California and our US national action network with 25 states growing to 50, US Women Connect, supports a 5th World Conference on Women. As the anchor for the California Women’s Agenda since 1996, and a founding partner with US Women Connect, the anchor for the US Women’s Agenda since 1997, we speak for millions of US women who are eager to re-engage with the global women’s agenda – still referred to as the Beijing Platform for Action.

It is imperative that we hold a UN 5th World Conference on Women to implement the principles and goals already stated in the Beijing Platform for Action, UN Security Council Resolution 1325, and the Millennium Development Goals. There is no need to create further documents. There is a need to mobilize women of the world without which there is a lack of motivation and resources needed to bring about gender balance or take care of women, children and the planet. Unless it is a UN affirmed conference, women from many developing countries could not get visas and support.

The 5th World Conference on Women would be the first world conference held in the 21st century in the era of the world wide web and global video conferencing. It would raise consciousness, inspire and mobilize effective joint action through learning about best practices and create collaborative networks that would endure long after the conference as the Beijing conference did with the first Communications Center to offer internet accessibility. A 21st Century conference could simultaneously reach anywhere and everywhere in the world with large screen, satellite communication and through the many ways individuals are now communicating with technology.

We are at a challenging but potentially positive time of change for the US and the world, especially on issues critical to women and girls’ lives. It is vital that their voices be heard in a global forum that re-affirms their agendas. There has been no opportunity for women to come together across cultures and geographic boundaries since 1995 to review, revise, and reaffirm the agenda signed on by 189 countries in 1995 and reaffirmed in 2000 and 2005.

Thank you for your consideration of our request to discuss and approve a 5th World Conference on Women.

Marilyn Fowler
President/CEO Women’s Intercultural Network